PITS - Prime IT Services
PITS stands for Prime IT Services
Here you will find, what does PITS stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Prime IT Services? Prime IT Services can be abbreviated as PITS What does PITS stand for? PITS stands for Prime IT Services. What does Prime IT Services mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in .
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Alternative definitions of PITS
- Pay Is The Same
- Pollution In The Streams
- Persistently Intimidating Technology Syndrome
- Proprietary Integrated Telephone System
- Platform Integrated Transmitter System
- Persistent Information Technology System
- Program Information Tracking System
- Prayer Intention Trust And Surrender
View 50 other definitions of PITS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- PTL Premium Transmission Limited
- PPCP Private Practice in Clinical Psychology
- PMC Pune Municipal Corporation
- PPPI Phoenix Petroleum Philippines Inc.
- PSL Presbyterian Senior Living
- PJ The Providence Journal
- PNCA Pacific Northwest College of Art
- PBL Pakistan Beverage Limited
- PSC Peru State College
- PET Physical Education Teacher
- PFR Prudential Florida Realty
- PAH Penang Adventist Hospital
- PEM Peabody Essex Museum
- PCLPL Pepsi Cola Lahore Pvt Ltd
- PEEL PE Electronics Ltd.
- PBR Piraeus Bank Romania
- PGL Pearl Global Limited
- PPF Pension Protection Fund
- PIPL Panasonic India Pvt Ltd.
- PHE Peer Health Exchange